It’s not the lunacy. It’s the doubling down on the lunacy I’m against. 

Humans have this tendency, especially in this election year, for some reason, to avoid any degree of introspection and dig in their heels after making some ridiculous statement, observation or underhanded insult. Doesn’t matter if it’s racist, sexist, homophobic or just plain adds insult to injury

The initial slight can be amended, atoned for, etc. It’s the doubling down that’s the issue. Doubling down means you’ve already decided you’re right and screw everyone else. That’s a barrier to actually having a dialog that gets things fixed. 

Pull your head out. 

Anyway, check out this tune…

Bass Gorilla on the loose! DJ Mondo live at the Roots Room tonight!

DJ Mondo_Kong_001

Just like that chimp that escaped in Japan the other day! DJ Mondo will uncage the bass-gorilla live at the Roots Room tonight.

He’ll be backing up and paying great respect to headliners, Roots Rock Society founder and Chicago icon Stann Champion, and guitar sensation and Louisville legend, Johnny D!

5203 N. Kimball in Chicago. Doors open at 8 PM and be sure to have some fantastic Filipino food at Merla’s Kitchen, right next door!


DJ Mondo calls for checks on checks and balances. 

Humans used to trust their leadership.

That was the 1950s.

Modern human  leaders rely more on public confusion, indifference and apathy. 

someone you don’t know is right now deciding …

…Where you will live.

…What you are willing to eat.

…What entertains you.

…If your children deserve to be educated.

…[add your personal concern here.]

Anyway, check out this track…