DJ Mondo’s Atomic Luau: Ambition Unchecked

DJ Mondo’s Atomic Luau: Ambition Unchecked

Ambition, properly nurtured and focused, creates a productive and cooperative citizenry.

Unbridled ambition, bereft of empathy, is the path to super-villainy.

The Atomic Luau is a peek into DJ Mondo’s lab. A sound sketchbook of beats, rhythms and noise that will get inside your head.

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DJ Mondo’s Lunch Rush: Yule Log Jam

Seems like every year after Thanksgiving, somebody blows a whistle and Americans, like the zombies in the movies (fast zombies. Sorry, you George Romero purist fanboys), go into a consumer frenzy and load up on all the stuff they covet, but don’t need. Some go into (deeper) debt doing it, log jamming store doorways and trampling old ladies without a second thought. The real irony: If the government announced the consumer frenzy was mandatory, you’d refuse to do it. Check out this tune…

DJ Mondo’s Atomic Luau: The Holiday In-Crowd

DJ Mondo’s Atomic Luau: The Holiday In-Crowd

DJ Mondo relays a holiday tale of unexpected fellowship and brotherhood, when he and Robo-Gorilla are taught by simple, small-town folk that home is not a place, but a feeling of warm welcome in a time of need. And that the holidays never truly end, for the spirit of the season echoes in the heart of a nuclear-powered, cyborg DJ and his armor-plated, robot-gorilla road-manager many years later.

Happy Holidays!
The Atomic Luau is a peek into DJ Mondo’s lab. A sound sketchbook of beats, rhythms and noise that will get inside your head.

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